
Why does our mission matter? What happens when we achieve our mission?

Enrichment of the greater Hoosick community by stimulating the creative economy, supporting the preservation and enhancement of the farm economy, and protecting and promoting the beauty of the natural environment while making regional and national audiences aware of the extraordinary resources of the Hoosick area as a destination for visitors. A Hoosick center for the arts and heritage, named for the community’s most widely-recognized resident and artist, Grandma Moses, is envisioned as a critical element in accomplishing these goals.

CiviCure envisions the arts as a catalyst for community revitalization. The advancement of the arts, increased tourism and community participation, and regional economic redevelopment are inextricably linked. The arts are an important factor in the creation and bestowal of community identity. A strong identity rallies confidence, hope, productivity, pride and economic vibrancy.