Discover the rich history of CiviCure
Revitalization of the Hoosick economy through active stewardship of
our rich heritage and rural environs and the art inspired by them.
Our Mission
Revitalization of the Hoosick economy through active stewardship of our rich heritage and rural environs and the art inspired by them.

Project Benefits
- Expand cultural and recreational opportunities for residents and visitors
- Preserve important historic structures
- Attract visitors to the Village of Hoosick Falls
Wood Block Building with windows completely restored 2022-2024

Wood Block building window restoration efforts and dedication celebratiion.
A Vision for the Future
Hoosick Falls, New York is a small upstate Village nestled in one of America’s most bucolic valleys. It’s history as a center for pre-industrial revolution manufacturing is significant. Its list of high achieving citizenry is well known. The legacy of its important past is reflected in the presence of its prominent Victorian architecture.
The business district of the Village contains several structures that are more than 150 years old – when the centers of Villages were an integral part of everyday American life. The partially restored Wood Block Building is at the center of the downtown business district. Just up Main Street is Wood Park – home of The Guardian, a sculpture by the world-renowned sculptor Jose DeCreeft.
Treasures of eras past are housed in the nearby Hoosick Historical Society and Museum on upper Main Street. The Monahan Building on John Street was the site of the discovery and beginning of Grandma Moses’s rise to world prominence.

Restored central spiral staircase, ready for debut performance, Whispering Bones, October 2023
Restored skylight

Upper floor north hall ready for restoration for future performance use
Very first event, Whispering Bones Crowd limited to 50 attendees , awaiting a secure and safe second egress